Gali Weiss
Oct 2, 2021
Public Hanging – Punishment for All
In the 1990s, during the Taliban's five-year period of rule, executions were held at Kabul's sports stadium or on the grounds of the Eid...

Gali Weiss
Sep 30, 2021
Another Killing of a Pregnant Woman
My friend U has seen a report about the murder of a woman, for no clear reason, by a Taliban soldier. “On September 19, 2021, 35 year-old...

Gali Weiss
Sep 30, 2021
Scenes of Hunger Crisis
A young woman in Kabul that I am in touch with has been inside her accomodation for months, not going out due to the danger she is likely...

Gali Weiss
Sep 21, 2021
Visa for Life
Pakistani soldier (R, front) and an Afghan Taliban (L, front) stand guard on their respective sides at the Torkham border crossing...
Gali Weiss
Sep 13, 2021
Unreported News
Part of my intention for starting this blog was to keep attention on Afghanistan, particularly on the situation of women. I am now...

Gali Weiss
Sep 12, 2021
At the Lecture Hall
I received the following account from U, retelling what was circulating on social media recently in Afghanistan. "Yesterday, a number of...

Gali Weiss
Sep 10, 2021
Music Silenced
A few days ago I saw photos on Facebook of instruments destroyed by the Taliban at the National Institute of Music, Kabul. I immediately...

Gali Weiss
Sep 10, 2021
The Sitar Player: Inspiring the Arts and Humanity
Donna Nassery, Afghan Girl Playing the Sitar 2021, oil painting, Paris Donna Nassery found H through Facebook. She was inspired to create...

Gali Weiss
Sep 7, 2021
return of University Classes
This photograph has been circulating in media sources worldwide. It shows Avicenna University, a private university in Kabul, with a...

Gali Weiss
Sep 7, 2021
In Memory of Banu Negar
My friend U is still in hiding. She has moved with her family at least five times in the past month, fearful of being targeted for her...

Gali Weiss
Sep 1, 2021
What's On? TV in Afghanistan
Life in Kabul is very limited now. My friend and her family are inside all the time, the only safe place for them to be. My friend's...

Gali Weiss
Aug 26, 2021
Airport Gate, Lost Crowds
These photos are not ones from news media sources. They're from my friend who was waiting with her family to enter the gate/door to the...

Gali Weiss
Aug 21, 2021
Traces of a Past
As stated in the previous post, people in Afghanistan are now deleting their social media accounts and posts for fear of being...

Gali Weiss
Aug 20, 2021
Voicing More Than Words
In our February opening of the exhibition of Making Marks: Australia and Afghanistan, I met an Afghan woman, T, who is a permanent...

Gali Weiss
Aug 19, 2021
Afghanistan - Land of Endless War | DW Documentary
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L7e6tejlTNw This film gives an understanding of Afghanistan's history and women's experiences and...
Gali Weiss
Aug 18, 2021
Women on the Streets of Kabul
My friend U worries about her family's future, but also about women who are disadvantaged. "On 15 August 2021, when people heard that the...

Gali Weiss
Aug 17, 2021
Afghanistan is a Burning Hell for Women
The images below are surely a definition of Hell – the miracle of birth into the world of an extreme-violent present and a questionable...

Gali Weiss
Aug 17, 2021
Childhood – Fears of a Mother
A few nights ago on ABC News a young woman spoke of how happy her childhood was (that was within the past 20 years) and her fears for her...

Gali Weiss
Aug 16, 2021
Latest conversations
Last night I was back and forth texting with my friend U. I know the same is happening to others with contacts in Afghanistan. It was so...

Gali Weiss
Aug 16, 2021
It Hurts to see My Nation Hurting
From my own experience, I recognise what living in diaspora, away from one's homeland, can bring up in times of crisis. One is torn with...