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“Making Marks: Australia and Afghanistan is supported by Creative Partnerships Australia through the Australian Cultural Fund.”

We acknowledge the Australian Cultural Fund for being a platform through which money for publication of this book could be raised. We also wish to acknowledge organisations such as AusGhan Aid Inc. and Bellendena Grants, as well as the many donors who contributed through the ACF and beyond.
We thank you all so very much for your generosity.
Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan (SAWA - Australia) funds and supports the Vocational Training Centre in Kabul where the Afghan women of our project have learned literacy and sewing skills.
Over the years, Unfolding Projects has developed a close relationship with the Centre directors, students and graduates.
All funds raised from the sales of this book will be transferred to the OPAWC Vocational Centre in Kabul through Support Organisation for Women in Afghanistan (SAWA), which supports the Centre.

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