The images below are surely a definition of Hell – the miracle of birth into the world of an extreme-violent present and a questionable future. Or are they a definition of incredible humanity despite the nightmare surrounding? These photos were sent to me by U, accessed from her local Facebook. They were so disturbing to me that it took me a few days to come to terms with posting them. Yet I think it's important we see these truths. I just read in Al Jazeera that women, Internally Displaced People, were giving birth on the pavements of streets in Kabul. Read U's commentary below:

"This photo is an example of what thousands of Afghan women living under the effects of war are going through – giving birth amid blood, injury, bombing and explosions. This picture breaks the heart of all humans.
The USA and NATO came to Afghanistan 20 years ago with a lot of promise and hope. They came with these beautiful slogans: democracy, women’s rights, human rights etc.. One of their most important missions was to destroy terrorism being harboured in Afghanistan and to combat Taliban forces, but instead they made Afghanistan a safe place for terrorism and the Taliban.
Afghanistan will now be a dark country under control of terrorism.
That is why the world should now think about the millions of children, women and men who remain in this country with a lot of difficulty and sad news. Now is the time that people of the world need to think about those humans that are living in this country and what will happen to them in the future."

Images in this post are from local Afghan Facebook, courtesy of U.