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Gali Weiss

The Value of Bread

U keeps me updated with what's happening in her homeland. She knows I still want to know. While here in Australia I have to search online media for the latest news – Afghanistan is no longer frontline news – she continues to receive reports at the time her family and friends experience them, as well as Afghan social media documentation.

"As I mentioned before, under the Taliban government women and girls not only cannot continue their education, they also cannot work outside their homes anymore. It's been over four months that all the women and girls in Afghanistan have lost their jobs.

With the coming of a very chilly winter, the number of roadside workers and beggars have greatly increased. Many of the widowed women and orphans have started begging or selling something on the streets.

In front of each bakery there is a long queue of women looking for someone to give them a piece of bread, as you can see in the photos and the video above.

My friend interviewed one of the women, on this short video.

She says that she is selling bread on the streets. She has six children and she is the only provider for her family. She also mentions that by selling bread she can just provide bread for her children."


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